Maggie Robinson already has several novels published and now her „Ladies Unlaced“-series is being published in Germany. Time for a few questions at Lazy Literature. (Photo: Copyright Maggie Robinson)
Your choice of time for „In the Arms of the Heiress“ is a bit unusual – the beginning of the 20th century. The time of industrialism usually is skipped by authors in favor of the regency. Why was that time particularly appealing to you?
I’ve written two series set in the Regency (Courtesan Court and London List), but I felt it was time for a change. The Edwardian period is known for such dynamic changes in society, particularly when it comes to the role of women. I thought it would be great fun to give my heroines a little more freedom. (And the hats are great, LOL)
Your hero, Charles Cooper, is suffering from his experiences in the war. How did you research his background and was it hard to do?
I read some pretty grim stuff about the Second Boer War. For the first time, civilians were interned (concentration camps). The Boer women and children whose men were fighting were given smaller rations, resulting in starvation and disease. It was not a shining hour for the British Empire. War was also “more efficient” with advanced weaponry—a perfect storm for Charles to fight against.
Your heroine Louisa Stratton loves the speed of her automobile. Do you share that fascination?
Ha. No. I get nervous driving the speed limit on the highway, LOL.
Your novels connect romance with mystery because Charles gets ambushed more than once after agreeing to play Louisa’s invented husband. Do you have a love for mysteries or did it come naturally to you with the story?
Oh, I love mysteries. Before I started writing romance, I read a lot of them. I realized most of my favorite romances had a villain or a puzzle to solve. I was so tickled when the second book in the Ladies Unlaced series, In the Heart of the Highlander, was described by a reviewer as “part mystery, part adventure, all romance.”
Mrs Evensong is a very fascinating creature. How did you stumble upon her since she is shrouded in mystery, as well – I am sensing a theme here? 😉
Mary Evensong just popped up in my head, thank goodness. We find out much more about her in the second book. ☺
Most historical romance writers have to research a lot when first writing in their chosen time frame for their novels. Did you have to work on your research a lot or is it a time you already were interested in?
I had mounted a Turn of the Centuries display for a local historical Society in 1998-2000, so I had some background. I collected lots of artifacts and photographs for it, and realized I possessed family pictures from this era. I have a huge basket of research books, too, and when I started to write, I discovered I actually knew more than I thought I did. But research never stops. I just read a gorgeous book on Edwardian portraits and painters, and am reading first-person accounts of people who lived at the turn of the twentieth century.
Your novels have now been sold to Germany which is very exciting for us readers – and I imagine for you as the author, too. Your mother came from Vienna so you have some knowledge of the German language. What was your first thought after you heard that LYX bought your novels?
I was thrilled! Finally there’s a chance I might understand some of my own book, LOL. I’ve been translated into Russian, Thai, Turkish, Dutch, French, Japanese and Italian, too. Aside from two years of high school French, there’s no hope of me even being able to read the titles in those languages!
Do you already get fanmail from Germany?
I do! Plus, my family and I hosted an AFS student from Kulmbach many years ago. She’s a mom herself now and we chat back and forth on Facebook, so I have at least one German friend!
What are your next projects that your fans can look forward to?
My critique partner Elyssa Patrick and I are publishing an indie Christmas anthology, Holiday for Two. It comes out Dec. 9 and will be only 99 cents! Both stories are contemporary and funny and I can’t wait to see what readers think. It’s a departure for me to write a story set in 2013, but there IS an English lord for a hero. ☺
Do you want to tell your readers anything else?
Just that I’m so excited to be branching out, both era-wise and internationally. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
Thank you very much!